Using and programming an FT-70
It's not as easy as it looks
Using and programming an FT-70
I recently got a Yaesu FT-70. I tried to program it. I tried using the radio to do this but OMG it was so hard. I kept getting a message like this when I tried to create a new channel: NO BNK
? I'm getting PC LOAD LETTER
vibes from this.
Grr argh. So I bought the RT . . .
F# for APRS
A system for sending and receiving APRS messages integrated with DireWolf, and built on .NET Core in F#.
This is also my submission for the Applied F# Challenge - F# in your organization or domain category.
Applied F# Challenge
Marnee Dearman (KG7SIO)
Github Repository
Amateur radio communications protocols, specifically the very popular . . .
Cross-platform development with .NET Core and F#
University of Arizona IT Summit Workshop
This is my script for a workshop I will be leading at the University of Arizona IT Summit InterActive day
IT Summit interActive Workshop
Workshop Leader
Marnee Dearman
Chief Applications Architect
College of Medicine
Cross-platform software development with .NET Core and . . .
Saturn with CAS Single-Sign On Sample Application
Building a standard web app template with Saturn Framework
Saturn with CAS Single Sign-On Sample Application
Lessons learned building a web application built on Saturn and using CAS for single sign-on.
Sample code
You can find all of my sample code on my Github.
Why am I doing this?
I decided to try out Saturn to see if we can't start building . . .
Joining the Southern Arizona Ham Mesh Network
Equipment and firmware to get you started with high-speed Ham mesh networking
Why am I doing this?
I am into amateur radio. I have a Technician Level license, which means I can transmit on certain radio bands, including the bands used for high-speed data, like WiFi. We can use the unlicensed spectrum, like everyone else, and we can use special frequency bands allocated only to licensed Hams. This means we can . . .
Suave websocket server with a continuous feed
Websockets for everyone
Why am I doing this?
I recently wrote a blog post using Suave websockets. It was a dead-simple example of a websocket server that just echoes back what the client sends to it. I made a new example that is just a tiny bit more useful. I made the Suave websocket server return a continuous feed of the current date and time. Exciting . . .
Plugging in Elm and Suave with websockets on .NET Core 2.0
Getting started with Elm, Suave, .NET Core, and websockets
Topics covered
- Getting started with a .NET Core F# project
- A bit about using Paket
- A bit about Suave
- Getting started with websockets and Suave
- Getting started with Elm websockets
Why am I doing this?
I want to learn more about Elm, F#, Suave, websockets, and developing on .NET . . .
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